Our Own Mineral Water Plant

Drinking water helps students, Improve brain function & clarity

Our MEMSP established its own Mineral Water plant which has been producing purified mineral water for our entire campus. The water is being tested by the State authorized water laboratories every 6 months.

For a student to succeed, we know that proper rest, a distraction-free study area, and good nutrition are paramount.

Sadly, many schools overlooked the benefits of having mineral water plans in their schools: Drinking water can make a big difference in helping students stay focused, creative, and energized. Yes, it’s that simple. Studies show that brain function can be improved by 14% with proper hydration. The brain works on a complex electrolyte formula and depends on suitable hydration to function properly. Just like a car, when we’re running low on fluids, things don’t work so well. When the body goes for a long period of time without drinking water, brain cells lose efficiency and we have trouble staying focused and completing tasks.

Our students at MEMSP are always healthy and energetic and doing their very best in their education and games as well. MEMSP has done scientific studies regarding the benefits of drinking water throughout the day and focusing especially on the fact that it’s a way of protecting health and contributes to well-being for both staff and students.

It is recognized that children should drink at least 3 to 4 glasses of water during a day and even more in warmer times of year and when partaking in more rigorous exercise in PE or Games.

Here are the great benefits our MEMSP achieved by established its own mineral water plant:

  • Improved concentration
  • Reduction in tiredness & irritability
  • Healthy & low-cost hydration
  • Helps with the reduction of obesity
  • Prevents short-term illnesses such as headaches & bladder or bowel problems
  • Maintains a healthy kidney